When a Death Occurs
When someone dies it comes as a great shock. Some times the death may be expected, but nothing prepares you for the emotional shock of losing someone close. What To Do When a Death Occurs The following information may help you:-
If The Death Occurs at Home or Private Nursing Home there are usually relatives, friends or neighbours to assist. Inform the doctor as soon as possible that the death has occurred. He/she may write out the medical certificate of death when he/she visits the house, or may request you attend the surgery for this purpose.
If Cremation is intended please notify the Doctor at this stage and they will complete the first section of the cremation forms. The second section will then be completed by an independent Doctor which we can arrange as they will have to view the deceased. If the death is unexpected or sudden and the Coroner is notified these forms will not apply and we will obtain permission from the Coroner to arrange the cremation for you. Once you have done this you should then contact us anytime, day or night on 028 90 620099 and we will also notify the local Priest in your Parish.
When Death Occurs in Hospital the procedure is very similar. Apply to the hospital for the medical certificate of death and notify them if Cremation is intended and not your family doctor. Then you should contact us and we will contact your local Priest in your Parish, although a Chaplin for the Hospital will have been notified by the nursing staff also.
The Coroner If the deceased has not been attended by his/her doctor within 28 days or death occurs suddenly then the death will be reported to the coroner for the area where the death took place. The coroner will have to establish the cause of death; this is normally done by a post mortem. The deceased will remain under the coroner's jurisdiction until the cause of death has been established and only then will the coroner release the deceased for the funeral to take place. The coroner's procedure usually only takes a few days. We will keep the relatives informed of the situation. In this situation a death certificate will not be issued immediately, but in its place the Coroner will issue an order for burial/cremation which will allow the funeral to take place. When the death certificate is issued at a later stage the family will then be required to register the death, which can now be done at any registrar’s office in Northern Ireland.
The family can contact us at any stage if they require any further assistance. When a death occurs and is due to unnatural causes a coroner's inquest is necessary. The coroner will open and adjourn to a later date. The coroner will then release the deceased to enable the funeral to take place. The coroner will issue an interim certificate, which can be used for bank or insurance purposes. When the coroner completes the inquest the death can then be registered.
When a Death Occurs By Law It Must be Registered:-
How to Register a Death
Who Can Register?
1) Close relative of deceased
2) Relative in attendance during last illness
3) A relative living in the district where death occurred
4) A person present at death
5) The person causing the disposal
Documents Required
1) Medical certificate of death
2) Medical card if available
3) Birth certificate & information regarding date of birth
Information Required to Register
1) Day and place of death
2) Full name of deceased (maiden name if applicable)
3) Date and place of birth
4) Occupation and home address
5) If married, full name and occupation of surviving spouse.
Our services to you start when you contact us, whether by telephone or by calling personally and extend often way beyond the day of the funeral. On initial contact we will ask for preliminary details, where upon if the deceased has died at home or in a private nursing home we will advise the conveyance of the deceased to our private chapel of repose. We would then ask, a time and place to suit the family, for the funeral director to meet and arrange the funeral.
O’Neills Funeral Directors
98 Stewartstown Road
BT11 9JP
Tel: 028 9062 0099
Fax: 028 9061 2120