Sacred Heart
In the event of a death in the parish, contact O'Neill's Funeral Directors anytime on 028 90 620099
Rev. Joe Baxter Deacon
Sacred Heart Presbytery, 1A Glenview Street, Belfast, BT14 7DP.
Tel: 9075 1543 Emergency no: 07771 963573
Parish Office, 1B Glenview Street, Belfast, BT14 7DP
Mon-Fri 9.30am-1.30pm. Tel. 90751 543.
SACRED HEART CHURCH, 1A Glenview St, Belfast, BT14 7DP.
Sunday: Vigil (Saturday) 6pm; 9.30am; 11.30am.
Holydays: As announced.
Weekdays: Mon, Wed & Fri 10.00am.
Confessions: Sat 5.30pm (with Exposition of Blessed Sacrament).
Baptisms: Contact parish office (one month’s notice required.)
Marriages: Contact parish office (at least 3 months’ notice required)
Premarriage course to be attended.
Divine Mercy Devotion: Friday 2.45pm-3.15pm.
Given the COVID 19 pandemic, Mass times should be checked with the Parish Office.
Sacred Heart Boys’ Primary School, 231 Oldpark Avenue, Belfast, BT14 6HH. Tel: 9074 0521.
Our Lady’s Girls’ Primary School, Deanby Gardens, Belfast, BT14 6NN. Tel: 9074 6325.
Our Lady’s Nursery School, Deanby Gardens, Belfast, BT14 6NN. Tel: 9035 1978.
INSTITUTIONS SERVED: Brookvale Fold, Brookvale House, Dunowen Court.